Events Calendar

Leadership Academy at MATC - Reedsburg

Date: April 30, 2025 Time: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Event Description
The purpose of the academy is to give new, existing and potential leaders a deeper knowledge and effective skills to lead themselves and others, and to increase the positive impact they have on their organizations. The academy emphasizes understanding human performance at work, applying best-practice tools for increasing productivity, and strategically managing relationships both up and down organizational structures in today's fast-paced and diverse environments.

This 45-hour Leadership Academy fulfills the eleven topics required to complete the program and earn the digital credential. The total cost for the 45-hour academy - eleven required topics - is $650. 
This class meets every Wednesday, April 2 - May 7, 2025, 8 AM - 4PM. Classes cover two topics and are one day in length. 

More Information:
Contact MATC - Reedsburg: Registering Online at or phone 608-258-2301

Event Location Madison College - Reedsburg
300 Alexander Ave
Reedsburg, WI
Date/Time Information Wednesdays, April 2 - May 7, 2025
8 AM - 4 PM
Contact Information
Reedsburg Area Chamber of Commerce, 240 Railroad St, Reedsburg. (608) 524-2850
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