Events Calendar

Reedsburg Area Food Pantry

Date: January 7, 2026 Time: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Event Description
The Reedsburg Area Food Pantry serves weekly every Wednesday the Weston and Reedsburg School District Residents.

The Food Pantry is located across from the Reedsburg Library and under City Hall (Old Library).

Questions: 608-524-6272. To learn more visit:

Event Location Reedsburg Area Food Pantry
135 S Locust
Reedsburg, WI 
Date/Time Information Every Wednesday
10 AM-12 PM & 4-6 PM
Contact Information
Reedsburg Area Food Pantry 608-524-6272
Proof of residency/Application form
Set a Reminder
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before the event.